rough magazine cover mock-up

This is a very rough mock-up of the magazine front cover. It includes the magazine cover (masthead), the main cover line as well as some other smaller cover lines that wont be as important than the main cover line. The cover will also include the main cover star that will be slightly covering up the logo to in order to emphasise how the cover star should be well known and recognisable. The main cover star will also be wearing traditional "street clothes" such as hoodies and black jackets in order to link to the main theme of rap. the cover star will also be shown in front of a plain brick wall so that the cover can invoke the feeling of an urban street, while not being a distraction for readers. The cover will also show off the magazines' social media accounts as well as the magazine website.

I made the decision to use the colours of black and pink, as the black colours make the magazine seem more serious and less child-like, while the pink makes the logo stick out more and makes it more visually appealing to viewers and readers.
