statement of intent

Statement of intent
Centre number - 66645                                   Centre name – Matravers school
Candidate number -                                         Candidate name – Thomas Taylor

3) Magazines and website

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

For the magazine front cover and content pages i will be using media language in order to create a new brand identity that will appeal to the main target demographic of teenagers and young adults aged 16-25. The colour palette for both the website and the magazine will be black and a bright pink that will connote themes of youthfulness and energy, while not making the magazines' main appeal lean towards one specific gender as while pink is stereotypically seen as a feminine colour, the large amounts of black will balance out the bright colour with a neutral one, and the lack of too many bright colours will be used to ensure that the magazine does not appear too child-like while not being uninteresting for viewers to look at. The main cover will include the cover star being shown covering up part of the magazines' masthead, which is a technique that other music magazines such as Kerrang use in order to show off the cover star's importance. The main cover star in particular will be a young male character as rap artists tend to be younger and more often than not you find male rap artists more often than female rap artists. The cover lines on the magazine front cover won’t go off the topic of music and rap, in order to continue the magazines' theme and topic of music and rap, and will also show off that the magazine is in the entertainment genre that Hearst magazine requested. The magazine will also contain a second cover star that will be smaller than the main cover star in order to show that they are not the main topic, and to also meet Hearse magazines' request of including at least 2 models for the magazine. The magazine will contain details on the magazines' social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter in order to increase their online publicity. The magazine will also contain information referring to the official website which refers to Hearst magazine requesting a call to action that points readers towards the online website. The contents pages will include typical features and stories that would relate to the theme of music and rap such as artists, new releases of songs and even some music / rap related drama. The contents page will also continue to follow and reinforce the house style of the front cover.
